As you begin to awaken mediumistic and clairvoyant abilities the same question arises for all beginners. "How do I connect to the spirit world?" In our course Spirit Guides, Mediumship and Moon Magic, we explore meditation as a primary skill for building your connection. Guided meditation is the central aspect of our own style, Tranmutational Meditation. We use it in all of our courses and teaching.
Guided meditation allows you to relax into the journey of connection to the Spirit World. Steve can lead you through the process of connecting as you vividly imagine and experience the emotion of succeeding. This maps the way for you do the work for yourself.
If Steve could show you the ecstasy and power of guided meditation, can you imagine the freedom you could bring into your life? What would it be worth to you to know how to connect to the Spirit worlds? If you could overcome the limiting beliefs that create obstacles to your connection? What if you could place your goals at the center of creation and experience them manifesting in the most perfect way?
Can Guided Meditation help you connect to the Spirit World?
Guided Meditation, Shamanic Journeying, Soul Travel, are skills that can accelerate your spiritual magical journey beyond anything you believe is possible. These skills are the foundations for mediumship, clairvoyance and Magic. We use guided meditation to show you how to connect to the spirit world and to unlock the belief that you can do it.
Feel yourself in a gentle trance as Steve leads you through gateways to greatness and power. We will walk together into places and possibilities, rituals and clairvoyance beyond your ken. Breathe in the ecstasy of your potential as you find the path of knowledge that frees you from limitation.
In our course we incorporate the rhythms of the moon, learning to balance the dark and the light phases. The cycles of yin and yang guide your practice, leading you to look inward to heal and project outward your desires. You can reach out with your dark hand and destroy all obstacles to your greatness. Then you lean into pure creation with your hand of light, creating reality in your image.
Check out our course here
Trust the Journey
Guided meditation is a fabulous way to start to build any meditation practice. It allows you to relax completely as you listen and explore the spirit world. Listening as you participate in the experience gives your mind a point of focus to come back to should it wander. Our recordings give you a path to follow again and again as you build your confidence in your practice.
You can follow along to places you would not have thought to go trusting the journey. Guided Meditation empowers you to travel in the spirit worlds to gather energy, information, and power. It opens the doors to connecting to your soul family and through mediumship your beloved dead.
Meeting spirit can be thought of in the same way as when you meet someone in your everyday life. Once you have gotten their contact information, you can reach out when you wish. Being introduced to spirits in guided meditation is much the same as meeting a person at a party.
As you encounter individual spirits, you have the opportunity to understand the energy of that entity. Later you can choose to call out to it, build alliances with it, and use this connection to empower your spiritual path.
Guided Meditation Can Empower Your Spiritual Growth
It gives your body and unconscious mind the direct sense of already having those things you desire in your life. This is the core of the Law of Attraction work.
One of the keys to successful manifestation is to lean into the emotion. To experience what it will feel like to have the thing you desire. You must explore what it will mean to you to have the thing you desire. What would your life will be like with it? How you will feel after the attainment of your goal? In a guided meditation you can reach further into these states than you may be able to do on your own, certainly at first.
Feel into:
What would it feel like to reach out to your Spirit Guides and be able to hear them?
What would it mean to you to be able to connect to deceased loved ones?
How much calmer might you be if you could receive the messages being given to you by spirit? To hear rather than just feeling their presence and not understanding?
Guided Meditation supports the development of your magical practice
One of the biggest obstacles for many to connect to the spirit world is the belief that you can do it. A Spiritual Coach can lead you through experiences that clear blocks within you. The process of experiencing a ritual in a guided meditation gives you the feeling of what it is like to do one. They can introduce you to new energies, or create new pathways for you to explore on your own. Experiencing ritual or incantation magic first in a guided meditation setting creates a blueprint for the development of your own magical power.
For more info on Onmicience check out our blog
As your connection to the spirit world develops, you can approach the ‘god-like’ power of omnipresence.
Meditative states give us the ability to tap into the collective unconscious, the realm of emotions and shared stories. Through the stories, and rituals we can also access the realm of the supra-conscious, the collective higher thoughts, truths, and daydreams. Relaxed guided meditation states allow you to disperse your energy, to “travel” to other places, times and cultures.
As you build your connection to spirit, you open the ability to explore the subtle spiritual realms of the universe. The journeys you take will give you the ability to gather spiritual and magical knowledge. In guided meditation you can access locations known only by your more experienced guides and teachers.
Through the imagination you can know what it is to be there and gather power from what you find. We explore this deeply in Dream Temples and Star Magic. We dive into the magic of Ancient Egpyt and feel the flight of the Ba. The Ancient Egyptians employed dreaming temples for all of their soul travel work.
Read more on how to connect to the spirit world of Ancient Egypt here.
Start Your Magical Journey Here
Transmutational Meditation - The next level
We have all experienced a compelling story where we almost felt like we were there. Transmutational Meditation takes us to an even deeper level of this feeling, where we are really having the experience with the speaker. We can overcome the obstacles to connect to spirit, and internalize the experiences of meeting the spirits. In guided meditation we come to know the feelings of these interactions. In a supported way you are guided by our teacher who knows the path there and back.

So What Are The Benefits of Transmutational Meditation?
Magic is the art of enticing my unconscious mind to open the gateways to the collective unconscious. We connect to the Spirit Worlds in order to impress a new reality upon this primal energy. This is done by communicating with my unconscious mind in its own language. The UCM responds to stories, symbols, metaphors, drama, mental pictures and patterns. Its spirit is usually child-like unless the magician has worked with this inner child to help it evolve. (For more on how to evolve your inner child check out our blog here)
The process of Transmutational Meditation can be used to introduce the UCM to different models of magic within the Spirit Worlds themselves. This empowers it with the direct experience of spirit and magic/sorcery. The very experience of working magic brings gnosis and understanding and teaches the student how to shape reality in the way he chooses.
Get your copy of the book or course here
This kind of meditation when used to empower clairvoyance is priceless. Trance states throw open the doors to the Spirit Worlds and you have direct connection with Spirit itself. New neural pathways are created in the brain, access and connection are imprinted on your consciousness. Once you’ve experienced direct spirit connection everything changes. No longer do you doubt whether you can do it or if it’s real. Your abilities and self-esteem are transformed and your conscious journey with spirit has started.
Connection with either recognizable ancestors or indeed ancestors from anywhere along your bloodlines become accessible via our version of guided meditation. Mediumship is a wonderful tool for healing grief and finding the source of obstacles in your life that can be transmuted into spiritual power. Transmutational Meditation opens the doors of your spiritual potential this way enabling you to serve both yourself and others.
For more on Mediumship check out our article: 8 Reasons to Work with Mediumship and the Spirits of the Dead
Are you ready to connect to the spirit world?
We are here to help. Steve and April have created a course to powerfully open the portal for you to connect to the spirit world. Read the book alone or get the recorded meditations to use again and again as you deepen your practice. Get your copy here.
Our Website and Facebook group, The Magic of the Sun Moon and Stars, are portals to your unique and powerful spiritual and magical development. As we walk beside you, we invite you to grasp the opportunities to empower your magic, build your practice, and create your own reality.
Come now with us to our mastermind group in The Spiritual CrossFit Gym. Prepare yourself for your journey to power and fulfillment as we Build your Practice and become Spiritually Strong. Each month we will explore new skills in the area of Magic, Self or Spirit. Each week Steve will release a new lesson and meditation to build your practice.
Let Steve be your trainer.
He is ready to push you, ready to guide you and get you the results you desire.
Come as you are, we will get you there.
Here’s my hand, come with me now.